dimanche 7 mars 2010

Patrol 3 (30SEP39 - 11OCT39)

= Patrol 3 =

Matrosenhauptgefreiter Amelung Wissmann has been transfered to

another Uboat, replaced by Matrosengefreiter Richard Kentrat as its

first post-training deployment.


September, 30th 1939

Our Uboat remained 50 days on repairs and upgrades
in preparation for its third patrol.
Ordered to patrol area AN47

23:03 - We depart from Kiel. It's night but the harbour
has plenty activity. We are hearing explosions in the
distance, as if some war ship was shooting its weapons,
training maybe. Fanfare is playing which is a bit
strange at night. Asked navigating officer to get the
ship out of Kiel up to area near Willemshaven, so we
can there set course to AN47 for patrol, in front of
Aberdeen. We are about 1300 Km away from patrol area,
which we should reach in about 71 hours at current
standard ahead speed of 10 knots.


October, 1st 1939

06:14 - reached exit point of Kaiser-Wilhelm Kanal.
Setting course for patrol area.


October, 2th 1939

10:06 - spotted a stopped Tugboat and a boat converted
as buoy in grid AN65. Closing in at periscope depth.

10:27 - reached area. An old boat as been converted
into buoy and a tugboat is anchored next to it. Shows
a Netherlands flag thus no attack allowed. No crew
visible on deck. Depth under keel is 37 meters. Diving
to 25 meters to go undetected, will surface at night
and keep heading to patrol area.

17:16 - hydrophone contact. Merchant closing at
bearing 251 but batteries are very low : we have 600 A
left out of 5000. Trying to intercept but power will
soon run out.

17:37 - periscope depth. received radio message from
U-7 that reports sinking one merchant for 1100 tons
at grid AN 2431.

17:38 - plotted interception course and surfacing.
Need to recharge batteries and get to target faster.
Will submerge as soon target is detected.

17:40 - radio message ; orders to attack all darkened
ships found in the whole area of the England east-coast
and the whole French coast. Complete freedom to attack.

18:00 - ship spotted at bearing 065. Batteries recharged
from 50 A to 100 A. Diving. Ship has changed course and
is now going north. Depth under keel is 42 m. Going to
periscope depth. Should intercept ship under 1000 m range.

18:11 - ship identified as medium cargo. About 1300 meters
away. It's going to come far too close for torpedoes to
be able to arm. Moving full back ahead to increase range
in order to be able to fire if required. Not yet been able
to identify country of origin. Setting salvo of tubes 1
and 2, depth 9 for 9.2 keel, impact.
Boat is French without any escort : aborting attack.


October, 3th 1939

12:42 - reached AN81 and starting search patrol. Ship
reported by contact report south-east of my position.
Changing course to find it.

14:17 - U-16 reports sinking a merchant for 3400 tons
in grid AN 3128.


October, 4th 1939

12:17 - U-23 reports sinking one merchant for 1000 tons,
grid AN2651.

17:31 - orders received by radio. We are permitted to
attack without warning any merchant ship to be armed, or
firing on us. We are ordered to save the crew if possible.

19:41 - U-35 reports two explosions of TI torpedoes using
G7a pistols. They also report they saved and dropped a
Greek crew for the ship they sunk at the Irish coast,
grid AM 8491.


October, 5th 1939

04:41 : Contact report of ship closing on us from NE.
Plotted intercept course and moving into position.
submerging within 10 Km of interception area. Attack at
night is perfect for long-range use of type 1 torpedoes
I am carrying. Depth under keel 30 m.

06:00 - hydrophone contact bearing 058. Long range and
high speed. Increasing speed to come closer.

06:42 - ship too far for identification. Surfacing and
shadowing for closer interception.

07:18 - ship going too fast for shadowing. Still too
far away for country identification.

7:36 - SS Marwarri reports having struck a mine and is
going down at 50.56N 04.47W

07:47 - ship we were hunting spotted at bearing 30
degrees W. She is going too fast for any shadowing,
could not identify so we abandon pursuit and attack.
Going back to slow speed and patrolling area AN84.

11:41 - U-3 reports two merchants sunk for 2300 tons
in grid AN 3673.

21:01 - The last remnants of Polish army have


October, 6th 1939

01:54 - ship spotted bearing 96. Going slow.
Depth under keel 27 m. Weather not good for attack,
clouds partial, moderate visibility and 12 meters per
second wind. Ship is going all-lights off which makes
her a valid target. Closing for attack.

02:10 - Granville type freighter. Setting 3 torpedo
salvo at 5 meters, for 6.1 keel. Impact detonation.

02:14 - fired three torpedoes. Torpedoes 1 and 3 did hit,
torpedo 2 either missed or was a dud. Ship heavily damaged
and burning. Tube 1 will be ready in 6 min. She might
require another shot to go down. Shadowing her while

02:26 - The ship did sunk. Sending patrol report.
Fuel at 80 %, 2 torpedoes left, sunk one freighter
for 4707 tons.

02:26 - Ship identified as SS Thistlegarth, 4707 tons.
Cargo was Grain. Had a crew of 73 but they have lost
33. Reported their position for rescue and left area.

02:37 - Ship called for help. Spotted a patrol craft.
Diving. A second patrol craft is closing to area where
we did sunk the ship at medium speed. Going to
silent running at 25 meters to avoid them. They have
started rescue operations.

03:34 - no sounds contacts. Periscope depth to check
around, surfacing to charge batteries if ok and finishing
to reload tube 2.

04:20 - Tubes one and two reloaded. Resuming patrol of
area at slow speed while reloading batteries.

07:29 - U-35 reports sinking 5 merchants for 19100 tons,
and returning to base. At grid BF 1719. I wish I could
have a type VIIB/c with so many torpedoes to do as much

09:06 - Aircraft spotted. Full flank ahead to dive at
25 meters (depth under keel is 33 meters). Aircraft is
closing for attack.

09:32 - Surfaced the ship. Keeping on patrol.

11:50 - Poland has surrendered. All remaining Polish
vessels are still to be considered hostile.

14:30 - Received message. We are to report any
incorrect procedure from neutral ships.

14:32 - SS Lochgoil reports having struck a mine and is
going down at 50.56N 04.47W


October, 7th 1939

09:10 - Spotted ship. Going fast and coming from E.
Seems quite large. Submerging and closing at max
speed. Two torpedo salvo.
Small coal tender, for 300 tons or so.
English flag : attacking.

09:16 - Torpedo hit! Ship going down. Surfacing.

09:16 - Ship identified as MV Empire Arthur, 314 tons.
Cargo was grain. Had a crew of 7 but only 2 survivors
found. Reported their position for rescue.

09:49 - Warship closing fast : diving.

11:02 - stopping engines at 26 m deep. Warshing keeps
closing and is under 1000 meters now. Probably looking
for us after having triangulated our patrol report
emission sent very close to their shores. Going silent
running might not be enough, so we stop and slowly
go near ocean's floor.

13:05 - Ship spotted. Diving and plotting course for
interception. Close to English coast.

13:13 - Tramp Steamer, English. Attacking.
Setting torpedo tube 2 for depth 6 meters, keel 6.8

13:17 - Sent torpedo.

13:18 - Torpedo impact! Ship going down.
Tramp Steamer for 1960 tons.

13:18 - Ship identified as SS Isac, 1964 tons.
Cargo was military stores. Had a crew of 20 but only
9 have survived. Reported their position for rescue.

13:19 - Surfacing and sending patrol report.
Out of torpedoes : heading back to Kiel.
1800 Km to go, about 176 hours of travel at current speed.

21:47 - SS Binnendiik reports having struck a mine at
50.32N 02.20W and took heavy damage.


October, 8th 1939

09:01 - BdU reports U-12 has failed to return from
patrol and is considered lost. Mine or enemy attack

08:58 - Bdu asks us to report : sending Patrol report.

10:00 : We are ordered to return to base. Debrief to


October, 11th 1939

Reached Kiel, end of Patrol 3.

Been awarded U-Boat Front Clasp.
Total tonnage for patrol 3 is 6985 tons.

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